In less than a minute, Brother gives you the ability to develop your very own customised printer drivers which have the potential to be rolled out to a whole fleet of users. It is just one of many utilities which Brother has created to make your daily business operations easier.

For identification purposes, workers from a busy call centre automatically have their names printed onto every document they print. This is performed through another one of Brother’s features called ID Print, which is embedded into the driver but is not enabled by default. Thanks to Brother’s custom driver install the companies IT department was able to create a new driver where ID print was enabled by default. This meant that it was immediately ready after installation, with no additional configuration.

The driver must already be installed on your computer. This is because you will be modifying one of the installation files, which is compressed in its original format and as such is un-editable. The following instructions explain where you can find this file and how you need to modify it.



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